Procrastination and her twin sister, perfectionism, team up to sabotage our productivity and lower our ability to achieve our goals and has annihilated more businesses than lack of capital or misidentifying markets. It saps our most precious, non-renewable commodity – time – and drains away our emotional connectivity to our goals. So why does almost everyone fall into this particular procrastination trap and – more to the point – how do you get out of it?
Journalists know that to get to the heart of any story, you need to ask five fundamental questions and keep asking till you get the real answer to each one:
o Why
o How
o When
o Where
o Who
Sometimes, it’s not a particular anti-procrastination strategy you need: It’s the reasons behind why you do it and why you can’t beat it. Why do we fall prey to procrastination most every single day?
If you know the ‘why’ behind your own procrastination habit, you can deal with the cause instead of dealing with the result (i.e., eternally putting off tasks and actions you need to take). Putting things off is just the symptom. To eradicate it and restore your life balance, you need to find and root out the cause.
Let’s look at five of the most common reasons people procrastinate – especially entrepreneurs and coaches who are attempting for the first time to add passive income or expand their reach.
You might be shying away from tackling things because:
- You are venturing out of your comfort zone and into new territory.
Most people find that scary – from small children in a new playground to top surgeons tackling a new type of tumor.
The fix is relatively simple: Acknowledge your fear and apply rational reframing to the little voice in your head. Identify the fear-generating thought. For example, “What if my shopping cart software isn’t set up right and it messes up my launch?” You can quickly deal with this type of fear in whatever way feels best to you. You could say, “I’ve tested it three times with three different people. Chances are it will be fine, and even if it’s not, I’ve gone out of my way to include contact information and set up a help desk. We’ll deal with it if there are any glitches.”
Or you might find another solution feels better to you. For example, you might feel the weight lift from your shoulders if you say, “Setting up shopping carts is really not my thing – and really not the best use of my time. I’m going to hire a VA who specializes in setting up my specific cart system. Then I won’t have to worry about it.”
But until you identify the fear-generating thought that is causing you to imitate an ostrich and stick your head in the metaphorical sand, you can’t come up with the simple and obvious solution.
Or realize that it’s a fear you may not even have to tackle at all! You may just need to tell yourself, “This isn’t fear: It’s excitement!”
- Fear that you are not good enough.
This soul-sucking brand of fear includes impostor syndrome, lack of practice, the bad habit of comparing yourself with others, and more. Fear of rejection. Fear of getting fired. It’s essential, if this is your reason, to pinpoint the exact cause and type of concern.
If you do, you can formulate a targeted plan to deal with it. And the fix is usually the same as for venturing out of one’s comfort zone: Reframing your fearful thought into an objective, realistic one, with a touch of pointing out that “the boogeyman just has a paper bag on his head and isn’t real” thrown in.
- Perfectionism.
Procrastination is an intense source of shame to perfectionists. It goes against their most passionate belief – that they ‘should’ be perfect.
Perfectionists are usually afraid of failure in any form. They are often top experts in their own right whom others envy for their expertise and how easy they make things look or feel. Acquaintances often express surprise when they find out their favorite mentor and expert has the same fear of failure as they do.
This deep-seated fear comes from possessing a tendency to be perfectionists over just about everything: Not solely over a new and unfamiliar task. They are also traditionally over-achievers, and over-achieving goes hand-in-glove with perfectionism – and procrastination.
Over-achievers often have profound psychological reasons for becoming perfectionists, though it might not be incorrect to say that almost all females traditionally have been conditioned to over-achieve.
The crucial step with a perfectionist personality lies in accepting accountability and acknowledging your perfectionism. If you feel you are a perfectionist, determine your own cause – voices from the past? A competitive personality? Your Jungian personality type? OCD? (If you can’t, a counselor or psychologist may be useful.)
Once you identify yourself as a perfectionist, you can work on letting go of perfection. If that’s not your cup of tea, there are plenty more books on perfectionism on platforms like You’re bound to find one that resonates with you.
Deal with perfectionism and you will then be in a prime position to deal with and let go of procrastination. High Flow Peak Performance Coaching is your fastest recovery route because our model uses neuroscience’s leading edge studies of how to overcome perfectionismusing Flow strategies.
- You absolutely hate the thing you’re hiding from. Big Flow Blocker!
This is the only time you need to either question why you are doing it and/or get rid of the hated task … especially if it is not one that directly generates income or aligns with what brings you the most joy.
Delegate it, outsource it, put it on autopilot. Or just dump it, if you can get away with that!
- Addiction to Pleasure …. Steady Hits of Dopamine
Some may argue that this is a complication of procrastination, rather than a cause but we’re going to touch on it precisely because it compounds initial procrastination.
Sometimes one can deal with the cause successfully, but still find oneself sliding down the well-worn path to procrastination anyway. And being mystified as to why it keeps happening.
The simple reason is endorphins. When the procrastinative behavior taps into the pleasure centers of the brain, it becomes hard to let go of it. It is so much more fun to binge-watch Netflix or play your favorite Bubble Crush game than to tackle a task you don’t want to do.
And you’ve created a habit.
Habits are like smooth pathways through a stinky marsh. You know the path is safe. You know that what lies on either side of it is unpleasant. And you know there’s a reward at the end. Plus, it takes you away from the Haunted House on the corner.
Habits are super hard to change but this can be done. What you need to do is three-fold:
- Create a new habit
- Stick to it every day for at least sixty days … no exceptions! (This is crucial for making sure your brain hard-wires a new neural pathway).
- Find hacks to help you change the habit into a better one.
And one of the best hacks is getting clear on your ultimate goal.
This is taking your ‘why’ questioning further and to new depths. Determining why you want to grow your business will make it much easier to get past the “I don’t feel like it” attitude that can cause you to stall.
In this sort of deep ‘why’ questioning, you might find out that the goal is just not important enough to keep you committed. Or you might discover, with shock and surprise, that it’s the wrong goal for you altogether. You thought you wanted it, but you don’t. You’re doing it to please someone, or to fit an image you’ve created for yourself, or for some other reason. But when you look with clarity and open eyes into your motivations, you actually prefer to keep it as a dream.
If you absolutely do want the goal you are aiming for, then watch for reasons you’re afraid to reach it buried deep in your unconscious mind. For example, a poverty mindset might keep you from really believing you will ever have a million-dollar business, sabotaging you into procrastination. This type of thinking is often rooted in childhood conditioning and experience. You’ll probably need to go deal with that before you do anything else. A coach who specializes in a growth mindset is one of the best choices you can make.
So now let’s look at hacks for busting procrastination. The beauty of these? You might not even need lengthy solutions, counseling or deep soul searching. Seriously, finding the right simple hack for you can change your life. So, let’s examine two that have worked for others, starting with the Two-Minute Rule and continuing in Step 3 with a hack to trick your brain into acting.
Don’t let small tasks bog you down. During your “Admin Hours” time block, for every to-do that lands in your inbox, immediately assess the time you expect it to take. If it’s less than 2 minutes, do it right now.
That’s it. Simple as that.
o No ‘to-do’ list. No outsourcing. No procrastination.
If you can do it in less than 2 minutes, get it done.
One other common reason we often procrastinate is that we trick ourselves into thinking a task is hard.
Usually, it is not. Sometimes it’s just dull. Sometimes negative voices are whispering from the past. Sometimes it’s just not as much fun as cruising your Facebook Group: But the critical point here is that you may not need to delve deeply into your whys and wherefores. You just might need to trick your brain.
Entrepreneur Mel Robbins discovered such a hack when she created her famous 5-Second Rule. She encourages her followers to countdown to action after realizing that the simple act of saying (out loud) “5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1!” can spur you into action where nothing else will – not all the reasoning and therapy in the world. It’s a simple hack, but if you’re interested, she clearly explains the science behind it – and how you can use it effectively in other areas of your life.
Overwhelm is another common cause of procrastination. For example, large projects can cause you to procrastinate. Or having an ultimate goal that you are so far away from reaching that you just can’t focus on it – or believe you’ll ever achieve it.
You cannot, for example, lose 35 pounds today – or even this week. But you can choose to go for a twenty-minute walk, today and every day.
Once that has turned into a habit you barely even think about, add some other small step toward your ‘big goal’ – your thirty-five-pound weight loss. Like drinking a really delicious herb tea instead of coffee, double-double. Or reducing your double-double to regular.
Each of these small steps adds up and if you don’t allow yourself to obsess about your daily progress and just keep moving forward, you may find yourself suddenly close to your goal.
And that is the most motivating inspiration of all.
VISIONARY GOALS when set to Greatness, goals those that take your breath away and stirs your soul have the spiritual power to boost your momentum to unstoppable! A Visionary Goal is a mix of your life’s purpose, your professional aspirations that are powered with passion.
RELISTIC GOAL PLANNING: Nothings sux the Flow out of us more than that awful soul sinking moment when we look at our planner and it hits us right in the face when we realize that we didn’t get a thing done all day and sometimes the whole week! That’s why we need our Visionary Goal powered by Greatness Goal Stack.
Once your Visionary Goal is set then chunk that goal down to Greatness Goals Stack. Choose the Top 3 annual goals that will move you closer. Next, now narrow the focus by setting realistic quarterly goals. Not sure? Make a guess. You’ll be able to refine the art of realistic goal setting as you learn about your habits and proclivities. After you’ve made an educated guess, go one step further and map out Top 3 monthly goal. As each quarter approaches, chunk those monthly goals into Weekly and you guessed it, write your daily goals.
RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE GOALS: Dig down to any depth necessary so that your goals feel approachable. This approach effectively reduces your cognitive load and the tasks at hand are easily manageable and psychologically far less daunting. If need be, write ridiculously simple goal like, open my computer. The Greatness Goal Stack method is designed to give you a structured way to accomplish your dreams with clarity of mind with added Spiritual momentum to overcome procrastination and perfectionism.
Neuroscience studies prove that working remote from home can be surprisingly effective! One study showed that employees who worked remotely, using high flow peak performance strategies were 500% more productive!
Occasionally, it’s nice to get out of the house to go work at the library or in a coffee shop. If you like solitude, silence, and safety, a library is ideal.
However, using this strategy on a weekly basis is highly disruptive to Flow. High Performance demands control. Try these High Flow triggers!
Clearing your desk from clutter and distractions yields high focus rewards
Begin your day with your Greatness Goal Stack weekly & daily goal sheet
Music designed for focus helps your brain to concentrate on tasks at hand
Block notifications on all Social Media and other non-time sensitive apps
Prep Your Desk! Remember that you can find chairs designed primarily for specific conditions and needs, including arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica and more. These are well worth the investment if you do suffer from one of these conditions – and many will allow you to try the chair or insert for a period, to make sure it works for you.
Make sure also that any chair you choose is rated explicitly for your weight and height. A six-foot-four, two-hundred-and-seventy-pound guy is going to need a different chair from a five-foot-two, one-hundred-and-twenty-pound woman.
The days are long gone when burning the candle at both ends seemed to work. Working long hours, without taking a break leads to professional burnout. Those who habitually work for a long time at their desks get up and take regular breaks. Resist the urge to watch the news that will continue to flood the brain with drama. Do things that nurture your mind, body and soul such as brisk walk, yoga, meditation, nature immersion.
Answering to someone else can motivate you to get your work done. That’s where accountability partners come in. Before you dismiss this suggestion, consider that there is more than one way to find the right type of accountability partner.
You could choose:
o An Accountability Group.
This could be a general accountability group or a specifically-for-procrastinators group. It could be a Facebook group or a local meetup. It can be a public group, a closed group or even a paid group.
The most significant advantage of groups lies in the fact that if one person isn’t available to cheer you on or hold you accountable, several more most likely will be available. There’s usually a great mix of personalities with all types of procrastination bugbears – and you will probably find yourself gravitating toward someone who has a particular understanding of and sympathy for your own unique challenges.
And it can be especially comforting or validating when more than one person expresses support or assures you that you’re not a ‘failure.’
Plus, seeing others grapple with your particular problems and realizing you are not alone can be the biggest morale booster of all.
Your accountability partner can be:
o A peer, friend or even your assistant.
You will instantly be able to think of the right person to approach among those close to you – or even those in groups or membership sites you belong to.
This works best if you both have a personal stake in fighting procrastination. For example, you could both be members of a procrastination-busting group who have particular trouble with chronic oversleeping resulting in work days that are too short.
Or your assistant might have a highly personal stake in keeping you accountable because she won’t get paid as much if you don’t produce work for her to do!
o A Coach or Mentor
You might wish to cut straight to the starting line and hire a coach.
One significant advantage of this approach: You are more likely to follow through if you are paying good money for being held accountable.
Plus, if you’ve chosen the right coach, she has seen it all when it comes to procrastination. She will have tips and tricks up her sleeve ideally suited to you and your personality.
But be sure to choose a coach that really ‘clicks’ with you.
As for mentors, dedicated groups (local and online) are the place to find these.
The Difference Between a Mentor and a Coach.
As a coach, you know the difference between a mentor and a coach, but just for those who don’t:
o A coach is systems or task oriented. She helps you work toward a specific goal within a particular area.
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A High Flow Performance Coach and other executive coach neuroscience leading edge knowledge and strategies to achieve Peak Performance on Demand to the tune of triple performance and 500% increase in productivity!
o A mentor provides a grounding, long-term relationship to support you through your professional life.
If you want to be a successful speaker, join a Toastmasters club. Want to get in better shape? Join a running group. Want to run a million-dollar business? Hang out where other million-dollar business owners do. Constant exposure to that kind of inspiration will have a positive effect on your own business – and business practices.
You’ve already taken the first steps if you’ve joined an elite group of fellow coaches and entrepreneurs at your own level (or higher); even if the group is focused on beating procrastination or merely on achieving a specific goal in general.
Surrounding yourself with winners is also one of the most effective ways to find inspiration – and strategies that work.
TWELVE Proven Tips to Bust Procrastination
- Block notification on browsers and mobile apps
- Start with either your most significant or smallest procrastination problem. Concentrate on busting either your most damaging or least important area of procrastination first. (You probably already know which one you’d prefer to tackle, and why that choice should work for you.)
- Compliment yourself whenever you finish a task. Out loud. (You’ll feel silly at first, but it will have a definite effect on your confidence and feelings of self-respect if you persist.)
- Go smaller with Greatness Goal Stack! If a task still overwhelms you, break it down into ridiculously simple tasks that reduces cognitive load.
- Anticipate and plan for curves in the road. Do you always get derailed when your sweetie calls? When your favorite show comes on TV at 2 p.m.? If you check Facebook, meaning to spend five minutes there and only closing off two hours later?
Whatever the most familiar and repetitive road bumps that cause distraction or flip you back into procrastination, anticipate them and plan for them. Try Time blocking and building in virtual social recreation and communication with family as needed throughout the day. Point is to calendar these event and the worship your calendar!
- Set regular work hours and keep them. Knowing you are going to knock off at six o’ clock, come hell or high water, can help you keep your attention on getting things done. By doing this you honor your mind, body and spirit with guilt-free-time-permission to have a life outside work!
- Realize that the more tired you grow, the easier you’ll find it to procrastinate. (Another good reason for keeping reasonable, set office hours.) If you let yourself burn the candle at both ends, you’ll teach yourself to procrastinate just because you’re tired and likely end up smoldering in the ambers of professional burnout.
- Recognize procrastination in all its forms. Be ruthlessly honest with yourself, and you may realize you procrastinate in other ways too – like cleaning the bathroom instead of calling a challenging and negative client you plan to fire. If you’ve ever said, “I can’t be procrastinating – I’m busy,” then you’re fooling yourself. Accept responsibility and don’t settle for excuses!
- Banish fear with knowledge. Procrastination and fear go hand-in-glove. Recognize that you’ll never be an expert at something until you practice – and just go do it! Identify what you are afraid of, and work on busting that fear before you beat yourself up for procrastination.
- Neuroscience has proven that when we write down the good things that happen to us the more satisfaction we feel. So, at the end of each day write down your End of Day Achievements. I call this my EODA. It is amazing the Flow producing juice to keep momentum pumping and procrastination and perfectionism in their place… dead in the water!
- POSITIVITY! People who procrastinate are also more likely to indulge in negative self-talk, so watch out for that and make sure you say only positive or realistic-objective things to yourself.
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